It’s great to be back and somewhat active on social media. Fun to see clips people captured from shows this last tour. Watch this clip on my Facebook page.
My days in Calgary so far have been reflective. While on long walks with Misha through Sue Higgins Dog Park meeting many Canadian dogs, all super friendly I might add, I’ve been thinking about how I actually got through my own tour without needing a sanitarium in the end. So many mini disasters happened, but what an amazing opportunity it was to meet lovely people and learn how to manage myself and find a bit more strength as a performer. I spent all those years terrified of failing which didn’t stop me from failing funny enough. Maybe the lesson I learned was allowing myself to fail makes for a more enjoyable show. At least for me! I’ll always have fear, but I won’t try to hide as much. Most of us are just human beings.
I’m excited to come back in September.
Thank you for a sold-out London show!
Thank you all who support my efforts!
Stay well. Nina x